Saturday, December 3, 2011

Spreading the Salvation Army Happiness!

It's been too long since my last post. Christmas is fast approaching, and I am looking for ways to save money AND have great gifts for my family and friends. While I work on all of that, I thought I'd post a photo from a very successful trip at Salvation Army stores!

My friend Laura, post baby number three, was just a little hesitant about SA shopping and has no way of scouring racks with her children in tow, so, Daddy was in charge this particular Saturday. We scored BIG TIME in one day with less than $115.00 AND helped people in need at the same time. What has your shopping done lately?

Teamwork is key, ESPECIALLY on Family Day when the stores are extremely busy! Lunch time is just crazy so if you can take a 1/2 day Wednesday, hit the store in the morning, right when they open.

As we walked through the two stores, I put things in my cart that I thought she might like and she did the same for me. I needed a bigger couch to successfully show off her new wardrobe - the pile at right is two to three items thick. Style and Service to Others + a few hours of fun with a great friend = one great day!

So, during this holiday season, consider the Salvation Army. I found gifts at a FRACTION of retail, both clothes and other items. Your frugal friends will appreciate the time you spent on the hunt for the perfect gift and there is nothing more GREEN shopping than buying pre-owed!

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